Naming Module


Get repository location from either global environment variable or local user, giving priority to environment variable.

Environment varialble name: NAMING_REPO

str: Naming repository location

Load rules, tokens and config from a repository, and create Python objects in memory to work with them.

repo (str, optional): Absolute path to a repository. Defaults to None.
bool: True if loading session operation was successful.

Get metadata from a name string recognized by the currently active rule.

-For rules with repeated tokens:

If your rule uses the same token more than once, the returned dictionary keys will have the token name and an incremental digit next to them so they can be differentiated.

name (str): Name string e.g.: C_helmet_001_MSH
dict: A dictionary with keys as tokens and values as given name parts. e.g.: {‘side’:’C’, ‘part’:’helmet’, ‘number’: 1, ‘type’:’MSH’}

Save rules, tokens and config files to the repository.

IOError, OSError: Repository directory could not be created.
repo (str, optional): Absolue path to a repository. Defaults to None.
bool: True if saving session operation was successful.
vfxnaming.naming.solve(*args, **kwargs)

Given arguments are used to build a name following currently active rule.

-For rules with repeated tokens:

If your rule uses the same token more than once, pass arguments with the token name and add an incremental digit

i.e.: side1=’C’, side2=’R’

If your rule uses the same token more than once, you can also pass a single instance of the argument and it’ll be applied to all repetitions.

i.e.: side=’C’

If your rule uses the same token more than once, you can ignore one of the repetitions, and the solver will use the default value for that token.

i.e.: side1=’C’, side4=’L’

SolvingError: A required token was passed as None to keyword arguments. SolvingError: Missing argument for one field in currently active rule.
str: A string with the resulting name.